نسخة تجريبية


برنامج تلتزم بموجبه الشركات التي تحظى بتعاقدات تزيد قيمتها على خمسة ملايين ريال عماني مع وحدات الجهاز الإداري للدولة (المدنية والعسكرية والأمنية) والشركات التي تساهم فيها الحكومة بنسبة تزيد عن (50%)، و بميزة برنامج الشراكة من أجل التنمية و تقديم مشاريع تعادل قيمتها الاقتصادية 50 % من إجمالي قيمة العقد الخاضع للإلتزام.

تاريخ تطبيق برنامج الشراكة من أجل التنمية

Late 1990s

The Sultanate of Oman began applying the Partnership for Development (Offset) program for the first time to Ministry of Defense purchases only.


Abolition of the General Authority for Privatization and Partnership and transfer of all its powers and management of the Partnership for Development Program to the Ministry of Finance.


Establishing the General Authority for Privatization and Partnership and transferring the management of the program to it, in addition to the responsibilities of supervising the laws of privatization and partnership between the public and private sectors.


Establishing the Omani Authority for Partnership for Development, responsible for managing the Partnership for Development Programme, in addition to expanding the scope of the program’s application to include all civil infrastructure projects and contracts and supplies of weapons, military and security equipment.


The management of the program was transferred to the (former) Ministry of Trade and Industry and it began to be applied to civilian and military procurement.


القطاع العسكري والأمني

القطاع العسكري والأمني

القطاع الخاص

القطاع الخاص

Human resources sector

Human resources sector

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